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What is Semantic Web?

World wide web is now everyday need and can make all our tasks simpler. It is tool for
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How to create a blog for free

Blogs are great way to share your ideas and writing skills with others. Blogs can earn you reasonable amount of money using ads. you might not want to spend money in start on hosting and custom website. There are many sites that offer to create free blogs. These websites have very easy interface to write blog posts. Most popular ones are Blogger WordPress Tumbler

How to delete all products from magento using phpmyadmin/ sql

Sometimes you need to delete all products from magento store. You can do it from admin panel however if you have large number of products (more than 5000) delete will time out and you will have to delete like 200 products at a time. To save time you can go to phmyadmin and run following query to delete all products easily. Make sure you have backed up your database before this. This worked well on Magento 1.9 and did not cause any side effects.  SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0; TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_bundle_option`; TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_bundle_option_value`; TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_bundle_selection`; TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_entity_datetime`; TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_entity_decimal`; TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_entity_gallery`; TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_entity_int`; TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_entity_media_gallery`; TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_entity_media_gallery_value`; TRUNCATE TABLE `catalog_product_entity_text`; TR...

Why use shopify?

Are you looking to setup an online store? You can setup your store and you can start selling in a week. There are many platforms available to use but Shopify is easiest, reliable and SEO friendly.   Not familiar with Shopify ? It is a great way to sell tour products, without worrying about managing a server, payment gateways, etc. as for a small monthly fee everything is included.  Click here to create a free trial store and start exploring. 

How to create an online shop/store or eCommerce website?

E commerce is great way to reach more customers and significantly increase profits. Global eCommerce sales have increase to a $1.25 trillion in 2013. So how can you get your share out of this market? Building a ecommerce website requires skilled software engineers to manage orders, payments and reports. Good designers are required to make site more appealing and easy to use. But good news is you do not need to hire these professional to start selling online.  There are many pre-built platforms that let you create online shop in hours or even minutes. These plateforms allow you to - List products with categories, images, descriptions and customization. Almost everything that you can thing of. - manage order and payment process and notify you whenever new order arrives - manage inventory and shipping costs - Have support for Search Engine Optimization(SEO) and  Social sharing and marketing. There are tens of such platforms but most popular ones are Woocommerce ...